It's been a tough 'ol week what with one thing and another.I'm glad this week is now at an end. Nearly December and we love Christmas so hopefully a better week for us.
Concentrating on the positives, I had such a lovely day yesterday at my lovely friend Sue's.
If families could win 'Best Host' awards, her's would win hands down. I went with Steph and met Nicky Noo there too. Steph and I got to Sue's slightly early (Sue was still eating her weetabix) 8.45am and I think we left around 10.30pm. So a very good day of scrapping. I managed 5 LO's and a good start of my December mini book too. Plus there was lots of chit chat, delicious cakes baked by Sue's Mum, yummy lunch and tea cooked by Sue's hubby and the day was just FAB!!
Another positive, I'm so lucky to have a lovely family. We may all be spread about but we all get on so well. I made this LO a couple of weeks ago. Dad took the photo whilst he was over.
It's us 4 and our poppy dog with my Sis, her fiance and their 3 kids and my bruv too. This lot make me laugh all the time. I love them to bits.

Hope you had a good week xx
Yay, didn't we have a fab day?! I love this LO, and know that it's even better IRL :o) xx
Fab photo and I love the sentiment. Sounds like you had a good scrappy day and we all love one of those!
Gorgeous lo, such a fab photo!
That is such a lovely photo and you did a great job documenting it. Always lovely to have a nice scrappy day!
you are so kind.......I LOVE the LO's can't wait for the MOON one to be blogged lol
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