Thank you so much for stopping by, I've loved reading all your comments : )
I'll let you know tomorrow evening who has won the RAK. If you haven't joined in, please read my previous post to join in.
I made this LO today.
I've used the new
Color Room combo.

I'm really pleased with this. The color combo is so pretty.
I found some photos from a walk in a local woodland park back in 2006.
(Please click on photo)

I bought these white flowers really cheaply from a local craft shop. They are really layered up, so I've taken the top part off these and sprayed.

I cut the leaves and I must say, I bought this ridged bazzill cardstock by mistake, but I'm loving the textured of it.

I also need to mention
The Studio.
Our new challenge has gone live today. Something abit difefrent this week. It's basically anything off the page. I altered a frame and chocolate chip pot using some My Little Shoebox papers.
The DT have come up with all kids of things though. Go take a peek, especially at what Tessa made. You'll love it.
There's also a vote on over there for 3 new DT members. Please stop by and vote for your favourite.
My lovely friend Sue is one of the 8.

It's been such a lovely weekend. After having so many busy weekends in a row, it's been great to be at home.
We started yesterday with a trip into basingstoke for some shopping. Hollie had birthday money to spend and we had a costa treat. We took Hollie to a friend's for a sleepover at 4pm and stopped off at a really nice garden centre on the way home. There was a great farm shop which I can't wait to go back to. It was the kind of shop that if ever I took part in 'COME DINE WITH ME' (my secret wish) you would see me shopping there first : ) We picked up a free range chicken and some fresh to-bake pastries. We took some time around the water part. Looking at all the fish. Louis enjoyed the reptiles and got to stroke a snake. We got KFC on the way home and had that in the garden with Louis.
We then took Poppy-dog and Louis (and the scooter) to the common along the disused runway. I love it up. Such a vast open space. It was a perfect evening and we got some really good photos.
Ade and I watched Bruno last night. I understand this isn't everyones cup of tea, but we laughed and laughed. So funny.
We baked the pastries for breakie today, collected Hollie at 11am and spent the day at home. Nachos in the garden with olives and wine, we let Hollie sleep for an hour (they didn't get any sleep at the party last night) then it was very amusing trying to wake her for Sunday lunch. She was so out of it.
We used our rotisserie for the first time on the bbq. I made up a marinade for our chicken, it was the best chicken ever. I mixed a cup of oil, a good splash of dark soy sauce, good tbsp of honey, 1tsp chinese 5 spice and hot paprika. I seasoned the chicken well first and finely grated nutmeg all over it before marinading. It was lush.
To try and keep Hollie awake for abit longer we had a long walk and then I baked banana bread and also strawberry, cream cheese and white choccie muffins with Louis.
Then to finish off the day we all played footy in the garden.
Kids are now in bed and kettle is boiling : )
Hope you've also had a good weekend.
Lots of love xxx