Thought I'd photograph 'my space'. I love it in here. I can lock the door and have peace and quiet. I feel so happy in this room. There's even a bedsofa, although I've never ended up crashing out in here, but I do love sometimes sitting and having a latte when the latest Scrapbooking Inspirations comes theough the door or when my latest kit arrives : )

This is from the door. It looks quite messy from here, but is actually very organised.

This taken sitting on my desk.

This is my second desk.


And drawers. I keep my 12x12 shelves on here, alomg with all my craft books and some tins and baskets full of stashy bits : )
O M G!!!! Look at all your stash and all that ribbon - I'm envious! Love your little space! Although I have my own space, it's part of a larger room
It's even better in real life!!!
But OMG was my reaction when I first walked in!
I thought my space was pretty good, but oh .... and all those ribbons .... not that I'm jealous (well ...)
I'm so happy to be able to say I've slept in that room, LOL!! Did I tell you I took all your ribbons to bed????? PMSL.....
Blimey, you're a lucky girl Lis!! I'll never show you a pic of my scrap hovel....I mean area!! LOL
Sam x
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