Tuesday, 2 March 2010

I Spy....

click the photo to see closer up
with my Disney eye....Someone who found the perfect t-shirt for themselves whilst on their Orlando holiday

That's what I've journaled inside my misted circle.

This is a take on this weeks Sketchy Thursday sketch.
I've added the sketch above if you fancy joining in too.

I've used my new Maya Road Mist spray twice now and LOVE it so much. It came in this months Cocoa Daisy Kit. I prefer it to the Tattered Angels sprays. I think I may need to add some to my birthday list.

I've also added some stickels glitz to the LO to give it that Disney sparkle. And 'YES' that T-Shirt suits him so so well.

Hope you have a good day xxx


Fay aka Beautifullily said...

LOL that's funny and perfect Thickers!!

Diana D said...

great LO- love this sketch too!

Scrap Revolution said...

love the humour in your LO's FAB