Everyone else came out of school holding a plant. Except for you. You said “I never got one”. . I said maybe it’s only 1 plant per family as Hollie had one for me. You looked sad. You ran upstairs to your room when we got home . A few minutes later you were in floods of tears holding this plant at the top of the stairs with wet tissue paper around it. You were crying as you’d ruined my Mother’s Day present. They told you to water it, so you did and got the tissue paper wet. You said “I was the only one that chose red and blue tissue your’s was original and it was all puffed up and pretty and now it was wet and droopy”.
I said “But this makes it even more special”. “No one else hid their plant in their bag from their Mummmy & the fact that you’ve then tried to water it to keep it fresh shows me how much you care and love me and that means so much more to me”.
As I scrapped this story, I was having one of those feelings of 'Yep, this is why I scrap. This is what it's all about.
Great layout and a lovely story to go with it. Really special!x
Definitely a good story to scrap, how sweet, enjoy your Mother's Day xx
This is just soooo sweet!! I love the arrow leading you to the flower xxx
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