I am slowly catching back up with everything. I've done no blog reading for a while and still have emails to respond to, but I've managed to sort out something dodgy going on with my bank account today. Hopefully (fingers tightly crossed) I will see the money back again by the end of today.
Today sees a new Twisted Sketch. Visit here to view Sketch number #66 and see what this weeks twist is. The sneak of my LO is above. I managed to use odds and ends for this LO. A sassafras strip, mists, JB note paper, couple of primas. Bits and pieces.
Here is my LO from a couple of weeks ago.

It's mainly Studio Calico bits with a few extra pieces added and lots of hand stitching.

Do you ever feel that sometimes you go through life battle after battle. Just sorted (hopefully ) the bank problem today and now on to the next one.
One day back at school and I have a complaint already.
Now I totally agree with what Jamie Oliver is doing with regards to sorting out school dinners. I love Jamie to bits and use his cook books loads. I love cooking and baking and feel very proud of the meals I provide for my family. Everything is from scratch, no jars, no packets. My kids have cereals and fruit for breakfast, I then give them something for their mid morning break. If I haven't made fresh bread or something like breakfast muffins then I give them cheese and crackers, breadsticks, pitta bread, that kind of thing and then I always make them a good lunch to take too. I like them to have carbs mid morning.
Our Junior school have now decided to only allow fruit and veg at breaktime.
I feel so annoyed. I know this is all aimed at those that are over weight and don't have a good diet, but what about the likes of us with very small under weight kids that do have a good diet. I just feel Louis really needs as much as I can get into him, another piece of fruit is not going to benifit him at all. He's 8 1/2 and needing age 5 school trousers. He's such a skinny little thing.
So he got told off yesterday and wasn't allowed his cheese and crackers that I gave him.
I understand them not allowing crisps, biscuits etc... but this is just silly.
I'll stand down from my soapbox now and go and collect my parcel from the post office that I missed yesterday. I'm hoping it's my Cocoa Daisy kit.
Have a good day x
You go girl! I am sick to death of the policing of food at schools.
Cool lo too of course!
I hear you. I can't believe that cheese and crackers are unacceptable. My boys live on that at recess as I am a bit of a food nazi. I put a lot of thought into what I feed my children, particularly at school. I have no problem with a home made cake either as I know exactly was has gone into it. you go girl....
Love all your layouts too....
Love the layout, you're very patient to do all that hand stitching!
Can't believe they wouldn't let him eat cheese and crackers. I can understand banning crisps or choc bars but keeping it to fruit and veg only is a bit ridiculous. Hope they re-consider. x
Wowwwwwwwww! I would have gone off too...I have a friend that is literally allergic to fruit...what would they have done in that situation??? Ugh...sometimes their policies only seem to make sense to them...and they don't want the opinions of others...totally hear you!! And that lo...wow wow wow wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That is ONE BEAUTIFUL lo Lisa!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the stitching and that photo too!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
The stitching is amazing on that lo!
Blanket rules are for beds. Seriously what a silly thing to impose on the children..? It's okay to say no chips and sweeties but no carbs at all??? I understand your frustration!
SO, did you get your kit today?
Gorgeous layout, love the stitching! Hope you get the bank sorted out, we had our account hacked for a couple of thousand pounds a few months ago but luckily the bank noticed and fixed it! Horrible feeling though. I think the school is taking the food thing too far, having said that the kids at our school still take in chips and sweets for lunch even though the school has asked them not to and then my kids want to know how come they can't! I would explain your situation to the school and see what they say. :)
I hear ya on the food thing. Our school doesn't let you take snack at all! They provide fruit themselves and that's it.
Gorgeous plane layout :) Love the stitching x
Just another example of the government getting way too involved in our lives - you should be able to decide what is best for your child.
'Nuf said!
Cute LO!! TFS!
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