I hope it stays for tomorrow too as the car is in for a service and MOT.
It won't be fun walking the 4 miles (there and back to school x2) if it's raining.
Plus I have 2 more kids after school tomorrow. 4 kids, lots of bags and a saxaphone walking a mile in the rain is not my idea of fun.

So here's a couple more LO's to share from this months Cocoa Daisy kit.
When we were in Windsor this summer, Louis commented on Ade and him having so much in common. I had to write this down, I knew it was a story for a LO.
The white card with black alphas is actually the back of the packaging from the Jillibean corrigated aplhas. I get very excited about using something on a page that isn't meant to be, sad I know.
The flower on the left is a punch and the leaves are handcut and doodled.
The clouds are a stamp from the kit, designed by Ronda. I love this stamp.

Next up 'Tippers'. (you may need to click on the photo to read the journaling).
Something that really bugs me.

The arrow is handcut. The alphas have been sprayed misted and I've used a black ball point pen and ruler to go over them in 2 lines.

The postie had a lovely package for me at 7.30am today **wink wink**
Although I have to say this is by far my favourite type of package any time of the day.
So my Studio Calico kit arrived along with a few other little extras that fell into my basket. A new EK Sucess border punch, I do love these. A cute little wooden spool with twine, a brown and white journal pen and I also got some more packs of page protectors. I must catch up with my filing again.
My arms are aching today from my gym session yesterday. That's good I guess.
More scrapping will probably help this of course.
I'm trying a new recipe tonight which I'm looking forward to.
When Hollie had her last opticians appointment, I picked up the 'Delicious' Magazine to nose through whilst waiting. I am since hooked. I think I need to sub.
Take a look at the site, the recipes are really good. I made quite a few from last months.
Tonight I'm doing Cod and Chorizo Stew. I'm adding prawns (shrimp) too as the kids love anything with them added in.
I think I'm going to try and get some bread made aswell. Always fun for the kids to shape after school. They like to shape something and then it goes in their lunch boxes the following day.
mmmmmmm think it's time for latte #2 of the day.
Have a fun day xxx
Hey you :o) You already know, but I'll say it again, I love that so much in common page, Louis is so funny! Snap, we're having chrizo tonight too, although sausages with ours, a hotpot type thingy. Enjoy x
Wowwwwwwwwww! I love love love love love both of these Lisa!! AMAZING!!!! And I don't like Tippies either!! LOL!!!! And yayyyyyyyyy for scrappy mail! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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