Then Sketchy Thursdays has something for you.
Look at this cool sketch : )
Here's what I made.

My odd husband has a thing for man bags. He's also a hoarder, will happily receive anything being given away and will not throw anything away. To the point when I sort out, he now goes through the bin to see what I've thrown away. Wierdo!!

My sister, and brother inlaw just rip the 'p' out of him all the time.
It's so easy to do.
So here is Ade showing my Dad last week his new man bag.
He was very excited about it.
Ade not my Dad, I don't think Dad was too fussed really : )
Oh well, it gave the rest of us a giggle.

I meant to point you in the direction of this yesterday and completely forgot. Please check this out, you will love it.
Don't you think that's just a work of art?
Bless him! Cool LO and I really like that sketch, I am in a craft slump at the moment so it might give me a kick start/
Love the sketch and the LO :)
Had to laugh at Ade's bag - Tony's written 'man bag' on his Christmas list! I might get him a pink one :)LOL!
Another Beautiful layout Lisa... It's never boring here.. You are amazing!!!....xoxo
Sooooooooooooooo gorgeous Lisa!! and hehehehehe...i loveeeeeeeeeeeee the story about his man games!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
sorry...i meant man bag!! LOL!!! Brookie was getting out her video GAMES right when I typed that!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
That's a beautiful LO, hilarious re Ade too! Bet your dad was riveted........ xx
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