A quickie from me today as I'm not feeling so good.
I did mean to post ths latest Sketchy Thursday sketch though. So if you haven't already seen it, there it is above.

This is a page that I made at my friend Sue's recently. I had ordered a good stash of Pink Paislee from Papermaze and had so much fun. The papers, the mists are so very me right now.

And I love how Ade captured Louis running in this photo. That boy is always in a hurry. He runs rather than walks and that generally results in him falling over, running into people and things, hurting himself and knocking things over. He just never learns.

Papers, journal card, rubbons, all Pink Paislee. Beautiful huh?!!

Thanks for stopping by xxx
Cool page Lisa. Love all the layers. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon.
p.s. The 'hurry' stage is one I was hoping K would grow out of?! Doesn't happen then? She's like a bull in a china shop, lol!
love the misting on this Lisa, really pretty mask and colour!
beautiful for sure
Love the fact he always runs so funny
hope you feel better xxxxx
Hope you're feeling better soon xx
I have 2 Calamity Jane's aswell! Great journalling and misting on this page.
Was thinking of you yesterday... hope you are feeling better soon!!
Love it Lisa!!
great layout!!!
Hoping you are feeling better Lisa! I love love love this lo! Loveeeeeeeeeee the layers and the misting! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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