I can't believe how stressed out I feel today.
Monthly hormones are contributing I have to admit, which really doesn't help, but you know when you have those times when everything seems to be happening. It feels like that right now.
Work stuff for Ade and I going on, Miss Hollie and her 11 going on 17 attitude.
This was her this morning. I spent ages curling her hair last night, it looked so pretty this morning and I barely got a 'hello' or a 'goodbye' from her : (
The continuing bathroom saga. I took these last night.

The new suite is in there believe it or not, but the walls are so bad, Ade has decided to tile over the lot. It's supposed to be ready for the weekend.
I think not : (

We have a big meeting at Louis' school regarding the bullying later today. I feel sick again with nerves. Louis got hurt again yesterday : (
Ade has called te local counsellor now and he's sitting in on the meeting.
I received an email from Wendy this morning on behalf of Papermaze with regards to some DT work for November. 4 small projects, one for each week. I've ended up doing the whole lot this morning. I think I really needed the creative therapy session. I think it's done me good. All that nervous energy used up in a positive way.
I also finished this Pencil Lines sketch this morning.
I love scrapping a wedding photo every now and then. This has boosted my mood slightly. Puts things into back perspective really.
I love my man so much : )

I decided to scrap all our little squirks about our wedding day.
The fact that we decided to go to Orlando to get married, so it was as memorable for the kids as it was for us.
We had a honeymoon day the day before at Discovery Cove.
Wanting a very relaxed ceremony. Not wanting to be apart and spending the night together the night before the wedding and only being apart for 2hrs as we wanted an 11am ceremony so we could spend the whole day together.

Hollie read a poem that she had written herself. We wrote our own vows.
We had dinner at Seaworld that evening (in the underwater shark grill) and were in bed before 10pm : )

Everything was perfect. Very us.

Deep breaths!! Things could be alot worse eh?!!
Think I have time for a latte before I head off to school.
Thank you for all the lovely comments yesterday. I appreciate it so so much.
I feel so lucky to have made so many lovely friends through this fab hobby.
Thank you
Lots of love xxx
Hope you feel better soon!
Your LO is faaaaaaaaantastic!
Hiya Lisa,
Massive, Huge Congratulations on yesterdays news - you really deserve this design team spot as your scrapping style is fantastic, I love your daily posts and can never wait to see the next one.[I'm a naughty little miss and never post comments so I thought today was a good day to start]
Sorry today isnt going so well - these days are sent to try us thats for sure, I do hope that everything goes well at the school meeting.
Your wedding LO is fab.
I hope your day ends better than it's started - Ju xx
Hope all goes well at the school Lisa. Hollies hair looks lovely, kids are never greatful are they? My two are just the same!
Beautiful page my dear, what lovely wedding memories. Let me know how it goes at school xxx
Fantastic page, and it sounds like your wedding day was perfect, and original, and fun! xx
ohhhhhhhhh dear...congrats for the 3rd time for the new super DT kkkkk. hope your day is better tomorrow, anyway, you did an amazing layout (again)! feel better! XX
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I hope everything gets better soon!! Sooooooooooooo sad about the bullying... I just read an article in People Magazine about the reason hike in teenage suicide do to bullying...sooooooooo sad...I made my DS read it....I love love love love love your lo!! The photo is AMAZING and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the layers! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
sorry... I just re-read my post... I meant "RECENT HIKE" not 'reason hike'... lol.. I think I need sleep! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Your layout is spectacular Lisa! Love the soft feel (perfect for a lovey dovey theme, eh?)and all the layers! :)
Stay positive ok! I'm rooting from you in Singapore! :)
despite the hectic week (and I so know about a girl in OUR house who is 13 going on 17 too)-just wanted to say this was my favorite! loved everything about it-shades, layering, pic...great work!
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