I received an email yesterday morning that made me feel sick with excitment.
I made the Fancy Pants Design Team !!!!!!!!
To say I'm excited is a complete understatemnet. Shocked also needs to go in there too. Shocked and very excited.
I was very pleased this morning to see the list and see that fellow scrappers Kim Watson and Janis also made the team.
I can't wait to find out now what happens next.
We (Louis and I ) had a great time at Legoland yesterday. At one point I thought we were the only ones there. It was so quiet. It was great not having to queue, go on a ride and go back around to have a second go : )
We did all the water rides and got soaked, watched a pirate show whilst having lunch and had hot fresh doughnuts (and a cuppa tea for me) too. A lovely few hours.
I did quite abit of scrapping over the weekend and joined in with the Color Room again. I do love their challenges. The colours this week are purple, yellow, white and dark grey. I would never usually work with these colours, but they really work, don't they?!

I took this silly photo of Hollie last week when we went shopping together. I love that she is finally taking care of how she looks and love seeing her being silly trying things on when we are out. (the hat and glasses are not hers, but were in the bargain £1 bin)

I have a big 'to-do' list for today, but have just spent over an hour on the phone to my sister making plans for Dad's arrival and stay next week.
I think I may struggle to get everything done. There's always tomorrow I guess : )
Thanks for stopping by.
Oh yes! I got excited when I saw your name on the list!!! Congrats Lisa! I'm so happy for you!
You have amazing style!!!Love the delightful background you've created. And what a great photo..must have been a great shopping trip!
Wow Lisa, Major congratulations, bloody well deserved though!
You already know what I think! HUGE congrats again though, I know you'll do 'em proud xxxxx Oh, and FAB page too, love what you've done with the paint :o)
Oh wow, that's incredible news! Massive congratulations, totally well deserved!! :)
Yay Lisa - can't wait to see what you do with all that FP goodness - I'm sure it will be amazing!! Congratulations!!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CONGRATS!!! I love love love love that lo!! Sooooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Huge congratulations again Lisa! And very well deserved.
Hot doughnuts from Legoland are our absolute favourite. We go there straightaway to get them, lol. And we've even worked out which shop sells the best ones. ha ha.
I would love to go at this time of year, in term-time! Sounds like you had a great time. xx
LOVE that colour combo! I rarely use purple, but it looks fab!
Congrats again on your FP spot! :)
fantastic news Lisa - but then you are amazingly talented and they are lucky to have you :)congratulations
Big Congrats to you. So exciting. Love your layout too:)
Oh thats fantastic news! well done, you,ll have such a great time with those Fancy pants papers. Karen
that is THE BEST NEWS ever
they are VERY lucky to have you xxxxx
bugger just thought you will still come and play won't you??
How exciting! So pleased for you. It's funny I scanned their blog announcement earlier half expecting to see you name there - and didn't - now I realised I only looked at the US list!
Congrats, Lisa! That's such exciting news!
Big Congratulations Lisa.... I'm so happy for you too....
Yup I agree ... you have amazing and fabulous style... I'm your big FAN...seriously....
very beautiful Layout... and I love you play with paints and mist... always fascinating..xx
How EXCITING Lisa!! For you and for us getting to see more fab layouts from you. Congrats :)
Thank you everyone xxx
congrats congrats congrats on the FP DT!!! I know you will rock it!! And beautiful LO, too....
Huge congrats Lisa - so excited for you! xx
Congrats! Well deserved as your LOs are simply fab!
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