I just wanted to share this page with you as it's up on the Papermaze blog right now.
I started it ages ago when I cropped at my friend Sue's and then finished it off with some fresh energy just recently.

It's all made with Pink Paislee. I love these pretty papers. I think what I really love is that their collections are so feminine and girly, but not wishy washy and pastely. They have struck a good balance for my liking.

The page is all about my Hollie. She's worn glasses since she was 4. Now 11 and it's a daily argument : ( She hates them. I see all her personality and confidence strip away as soon as she puts them on. The fringe (bangs) come over her face, she doesn't look anyone in the eye and shys away all the time.
I just don't know what to do.
She takes them off and she's a different child. Because of the problems she has, contact lenses aren't an option and we've been told that if she continues not to wear them her poor eye sight will continue to get worse and will be very expensive for her as an adult and plus her lazy eye will come back.
She really doesn't want a wandering eye as a young adult, does she?!!
But at the age of 11 she only see's the smaller picture and thinks she knows best *sigh*.

So, I'm back around 5pm with the start of The Studio Blog hop.
If you are planning to join in or want to have a nose, we start here at 5pm - 4th March. Lots of prizes and lots of fun and it runs over the weekend.
Catch later xx
Aww poor Hollie, I feel for her, horrid at that age! Love the lo esp those funky letters
Beautiful page Lisa... I do understand how she feels... am like that too ...dread wearing glasses... !!had to wear since I'm 7!!!...this will pass .... hugs...xoxo
Poor sweet Hollie.. Why not get her some snazzy glasses like a fashion accessory style? :) Maybe it will cheer her up a bit ...
Love the layout :)
*sigh*... I feel her pain.. I was born with a lazy eye, had glasses since I was three... and even had to wear a patch till I was 13! But... I did what I had to do...and now NO MORE glasses for me! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I just loveeeeeeeeeeeee this!! I love love love the photos, the design, just WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Gorgeous, so, so pretty! Kim
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