I'm having a mega long work day today and I'm feeling tired.
I started at 4.45am and it's now 7.15pm. I feel really drained and can't wait for Ade to come home so we can have the yummy spanish chicken stew I have in the slow cooker.
I have just photographed this though that I finished up earlier today for one of Shimelle's challenges.
Using Squares.

Louis adores Club Penguin.com and played some games with a girl penguin. Their penguins then went for pizza and they sent each other hearts across the table.
So sweet.

I think I'm going to have a glass of wine and some olives whilst I wait for Ade to come home.
Thanks for stopping by xxx
That is adorable Lisa - both the subject matter and how you have scrapped it :) Enjoy your evening
That is so cute!! My kiddies love that site too.
Thats so sweet.
How on earth can you start work at 4.45am, no wonder you're tired! Hope you enjoyed your stew. I'm having red wine and a meal for one tonight!!
wow this is lovely!... I love the way you paint the background..its so cool!!... yeah put your feet up and enjoy the red!...xx
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this Lisa!! LOVING that paint and what a SWEET story! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
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