Friday again. So pleased it's the weekend tomorrow.
I know many friends have snow right now, I hope you are managing ok.
No snow for us yet but it is exepected. I'm praying we don't get any.
My aunt suddenly died last week and we have the funeral to go to at the other side of Oxford on Tuesday. Dad is coming back from the States on Sunday night. I just want everything to be able to run smoothly.
I can't wait to see Dad again, but sad it's for this reason.
Onto a lighter note, Twisted Sketches.
A new sketch this week with a new twist. Check it out here.
And here's my page from last week. The twist was 'history'. I just love the history of London. It's amazing walking along and thinking of everything that's happened here over many many years.

I love this photo I took. Standing up near the National Gallery, looking over Trafalgar over to Big Ben. Just perfect with the Union Flag and red buses in the background.

And lastly today.
Have you heard about the new App available for Apple lovers?
A Scrapbooking App. Sketches2Scrapbook.
Over 100 sketches and for just $4.99.
I was lucky enough to be asked to join in and create a couple of samples for this new venture.
If this App is of interest to you, visit the site here for more details.
Lisa xx
sorry to hear about your Aunt Lisa, hope it all runs smoothly on Tuesday.
Great lo, love those little union jack flags
so sorry to hear your news lis xxxx
Love the page as ever I agree brilliant photo - I adore London too
I love the flags too, nice touch! Fab page as ever xx
I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt, I hope everything goes well with your Dad traveling and the service in Oxford...{{{hugs}}} ... I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the lo...that photo is GORGEOUS and I loveeeeeeeeee the flags! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
love the little flags on this, great layout Lisa.
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you and your family.
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