The day has come. We no longer attend Yateley Infants School..sob..sob. I love this little school dearly. We started back in 2002 with Hollie at the pre-school there and have been there until today. We feel sad to say goodbye to all the lovely staff, but I feel happy that my children have had such a good and also caring start to their education. Both have left achieving top grades and with lovely memories. What more can you ask for at the age of 7. Here is Louis is we left following our goodbyes this afternoon.
The children had T-shirts made with their little 'me's' on and all their names are printed on the back. They each wore their shirt to school today.
I managed to finish Louis's special mini book intime to take in today for the teachers to sign. I will photograph and show tomorrow.
I had to suddenly rush and make the cards for their teachers yesterday....why is everything left to the last minute, no matter how hard I try that it isn't?!
I manged to make all 4 cards in 1hr30.

Fight breaking out, better go x
cute cards!! love the last one specially, think its the bow!!
I know it's sad watching them grow up so fast!! My son is 15 and I swear I must have blinked becuz the years have flown by! You did great on these cards! I could never had done that many in that short of time and yours turned out amazing on top of that!!!
Can't believe you did those cards so fast, they look great! Bet the teachers loved them xx
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